Setting sail with ICT: Dis/organizing with more-than-humans in strategy workshops

Ville Kivivirta, Nina Lunkka, Ville Pietiläinen, Anniina Rantakari

Tutkimustuotokset: KonferenssiesitysKonferenssipaperiTieteellinen


This paper examines the role of more-than-humans on dis/organizing. In particular, we focus on the influence of new technology for the ongoing disorganizing and organizing and the humans involved. To do this, we draw from Michel Serres’s work on how technology information and communication technology (ICT) acts as a drawing together of a collective by causing a disturbance, forcing the collective to negotiate ambiguous conditions. Conceptually, we build on Serresian idea related to the process of hominization which is ultimately transforming the human species, namely, ‘setting sail’ with technology in a. By analyzing video-recorded strategy workshops in health and social care setting, the paper provides insights to the disturbances mediated in and through technological objects. Serresian view allows us to understand how technology changes our relationship with the world around us and shows how local strategy workshops are related to global issues. Based on our analysis, we develop an analytical framework to navigate strategy workshops. The findings shed light to that ICT itself poses a problem in healthcare strategy workshops. Last, we contribute to the literature on dis/organizing by illustrating how collectives form around a technological quasi-object, and how ICT sets new relations and configurations about what is being human.
TilaJulkaistu - 22 kesäk. 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi mikään luokiteltu
TapahtumaProcess Organization Studies (PROS) Symposium: 24 and 27 June 2024 in Paphos - Cyprus, Paphos, Kypros
Kesto: 24 kesäk. 202427 kesäk. 2024
Konferenssinumero: 15


KonferenssiProcess Organization Studies (PROS) Symposium


  • Dis/organizing
  • More-than-humans
  • Healthcare
  • Michel Serres
  • Digital Technology


  • Psykologia
  • Hallintotiede
  • Liiketaloustiede

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