Nature Identities: Off the Wall

Melanie Sarantou (Taiteilija)

Tutkimustuotokset: Taiteellinen ja muu ei-tekstimuotoinen muotoNäyttelyTaiteellisen produktion tai yhteisnäyttelyn itsenäinen osa


Nurture Identities is a multimedia installation that was exhibited in 2015 at Yarta Purtli Gallery, Port Augusta in South Australia. This work was motivation by my feelings of loss and ungroundedness as a result of immigration. In searching for images, impressions and experiences in the land and nature I adopted as my new home, I hoped to find new connections. Nurturing the soul through experiences that take people close to their natural environments promotes healing. This was my hope and search for finding belonging in the beauty of the Eyre Peninsula's environment. Images were captured in Coffin Bay, while the seaweed weaves were produced on a beach in Whyalla, South Australia.

The titles of the photographic work (all 30 x 30 cm) are:

Baked mud cake layered with toffee nut fudge
Milk pudding and cinnamon stick
Rosemary and pea cream spelt
Cinnamon soufflé fringed with crusts of caramel
Coca-cola storm in my tea glass
Cream of vongole with spring sprigs
Rocky road glass towers with blue sprinkles
Praline in cream mousse topped with sugar ripples Yaya’s baklava

Textile art:
Nurture Identities (triptych), sea weed, yarn, sand, pebbles, 35 x 35 cm.
JulkaisupaikkaPort Augusta Cultural Centre - Yartya Purtli, South Australia
TilaJulkaistu - 9 helmik. 2015
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Julkinen taiteellisen tuotoksen osa
TapahtumaNature Identities - Yarta Purtli Gallert, Port Augusta, Australia
Kesto: 9 helmik. 2015 → …


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