Kilpisjärvi Notes 34: Winterspring-Spring-Springsummer-Summer-Summerautumn-Autumn 2024: A radio play with scenography in five acts

Neal Cahoon (Taiteilija), Hilde Methi (Kuraattori), Espen Sommer Eide (Taiteilija), Anne Lindgaard Møller (Taiteilija), Erik Fallgren (Taiteilija)

Tutkimustuotokset: Taiteellinen ja muu ei-tekstimuotoinen muotoNäyttelyTaiteellisen produktion tai yhteisnäyttelyn itsenäinen osa


A radio play created and produced by Neal Cahoon, Hilde Methi, Espen Sommer Eide, Anne Lindgaard Møller & Erik Fallgren. The work is grounded in the experience of a group residency at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in April-May 2024, through an invitation from the Bioart Society. The work was performed live at the opening of "The North Escaping: Grasping Transformations" exhibition at the SOLU space, Helsinki (30.October-1.December, 2024) and was available as a sound artwork for the duration of the exhibition. The work explores relations with the local surroundings, and the seasonality of the place, in particular the connections between the inclusion of multispecies perspectives, tourism, art, science, and development. The work aims to demonstrate how artistic research approaches can lead to new insights in the surroundings that are not accessible through traditional qualitative or quantitive research methodologies. 
JulkaisupaikkaSOLU Space, Helsinki
JulkaisijaBioart Society
TilaJulkaistu - 30 lokak. 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Julkinen taiteellisen tuotoksen osa


  • Teatteri, tanssi, musiikki, muut esittävät taiteet


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