If the road could talk, what it would say to transportation?

Satu Anneli Miettinen, Mari Eveliina Suoheimo, Simo Rontti

Tutkimustuotokset: Kirjoitus kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaKonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinen


This article will introduce service design tools in the context of smart road development for the arctic conditions. The development of these service design tools is related to Arctic Truck Platooning Challenge (ATPC) project. This is a research and development project related to developing transportation logistics and autonomous driving in in the arctic region. This project is funded with AIKO funding for regional innovations and experiments in Lapland, which is situated in the arctic Finland. The project is managed together with the Digipolis, University of Oulu and local transportation and logistics companies. This article is discussing on how smart road communication facilitates safe and more efficient heavy loads transportation in the arctic? And, other possible users? It is based on data, experiments, and service concept development in (ATPC) project
OtsikkoAIC 2018
AlaotsikkoTransportation Infrastructure Engineering in Cold Climates
ToimittajatThomas Ingeman-Nielsen, Daniel Pedersen, Ingrid Vernimmen
KustantajaTechnical University of Denmark
ISBN (elektroninen)9788778774835
ISBN (painettu)9788778774835
TilaJulkaistu - 1 toukok. 2018
OKM-julkaisutyyppiB3 Vertaisarvioimaton konferenssiartikkeli
TapahtumaAIC2018: Transporting Infrastructure Engineering in Cold Regions - Sisimiut, Grönlanti
Kesto: 1 toukok. 20183 toukok. 2018




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