Entanglements South–North. Shared Authorship; Co-Creation; Bioart

Satu Miettinen, Amna Qureshi (Taiteilija), Heidi Pietarinen (Taiteilija), Melanie Sarantou (Taiteilija)

Tutkimustuotokset: Taiteellinen ja muu ei-tekstimuotoinen muotoTaideteosTaiteellisen produktion tai yhteisnäyttelyn itsenäinen osavertaisarvioitu


The collection of eight textiles titled Entanglements South-North (2022) are entangled in a dialogue that seeks to explore how the arts can play a role in social change, especially when margins are continually moved to elicit new spaces for transformation.For example, a printed fabric design process involves many translations, moving from analogue to digital, and back. Translating collected data (arctic raw materials: reindeer blood, drawings, photos) via a digital software into colours, images and patterns (point, lines, surfaces), and planting them in a digital environment, then making these digital images material again through printing. What do we gain and lose in these translations?
JulkaisijaCumulus, the Global Association of Art and Design Education and Research
TilaJulkaistu - 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Julkinen taiteellisen tuotoksen osa
TapahtumaCumulus conference: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict - University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgia
Kesto: 12 huhtik. 202315 huhtik. 2023


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