Bio-öljyihin perustuvat polymeerikomposiitit; arvoketju synteesistä digitaaliseen valmistukseen

Projektin tiedot


One of the major global challenges we face in the materials science is the transformation from fossil petrochemistry based polymeric materials to sustainable, renewable and carbon-binding materials. The VALUEBIOMAT project offers solutions to this challenge based on the utilization of bio-based raw materials - especially plant oil derived - in the value chains and novel ecosystems. In addition, the value chain will be based on the principle of merging the novel biopolymers with the emerging digital additive manufacturing (AM) technology. As a novel breakthrough in AM, reinforced composites manufacturing will be studied. The concept of VALUEBIOMAT will be of disruptive nature and have great socio-economic impacts, as life cycle analysis, legal-ethical-policy issues and viable business models will be co-created in
collaboration with stakeholders. Finland provides an ideal context for this kind of research, as the country is on the frontline of science in all the necessary disciplines and in the wide industrial production of refined bio-based oils and fats.

VALUEBIOMAT project is funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland and it is part of the Innovative Materials and Services
to Promote Resource Wisdom and Sustainable Development (IMPRES) programme.

Aalto University (coordinator)
University of Lapland
AkronyymiVBM 2
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01.09.202231.08.2025


  • SUOMENAKATEMIA: 283 334,00 €


  • Oikeustiede


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