Stuned Scholarship Awardee 2019/2020

Palkinto: Palkinto tai huomionosoitus urasta


Highly competitive international scholarship for studying master degree in the Netherlands awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

StuNed (Studeren in Nederland) is a scholarship programme that is a part of the bilateral cooperation. The main objectives of StuNed are to strengthen the human resources between the Netherlands and developing countries.
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen
Myöntävät organisaatiotThe Ministry of Higher Education

Myönnetty tapahtumassa

Tapahtuman otsikkoAnnual Scholarship Award 2019
PaikkaThe Embassy of the Netherlands, Jakarta, IndonesiaNäytä kartalla
Aikajakso28 syysk. 2018
