Henkilökohtainen profiili


Dr Melanie Sarantou is a Research Fellow for the European Commission H2020 funded project Acting on the Margin: Art as Social Sculpture (AMASS) at the University of Lapland. This project researches the relationship between the arts and societal challenges in the margins of Europe with participating countries Finland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Sweden and the UK. Her previous post-doctoral research include projects such as the Academic Profiling Area for Arctic Art and Design (2018-2019) and Women Living on the Edges of the World: Margin to Margin (2016-2017). As a member of the Service Design Research Group at the University of Lapland, she coordinates the Arctic Design Lab for the DESIS Network. Her research focuses on social design and arts-based research in marginalised communities. Additional roles include HDR student supervision in Service Design. In her previous post-doctorate research she engaged in arts-based research and socially engaged arts in communities of Namibia, Russia, Finland and South Australia. Her research and art explore concepts of marginality, which can be defined by remoteness and conditions of isolation and migration, emphasised by the geography of the Arctic and far South. 


  • Kuvataide ja muotoilu


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin, joissa Melanie Sarantou on aktiivinen. Nämä aihemerkinnät ovat peräisin tämän henkilön tutkimustuotoksista. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit


Yhteisjulkaisut ja -projektit viiden viime vuoden ajalta. Voit avata lisätietoja napsauttamalla sinisiä palloja.