Helene Day Fraser

Aktiviteetti: Vierailijan isännöinti / emännöintiAkateemisen vierailun isännöinti / emännöinti


Hélène Day Fraser will share experiences, insights and questions stemming from a six year a research project based out of Emily Carr University of Art+ Design called cloTHING(s) as Conversation. Drawing on questions Day Fraser is currently posing of her own design work in relation to decoloniality, this seminar proposed to draw on material practice, conversation (in relation to a social made up of both human and more than human) and place. A textile form provocation - a (+) form - and Critical Use practices developed at Emily Carr will be introduced and used by participants who will be invited to consider: the means we use to locate and stabilize our sense of self and the tropes that trap us. Collectively the group gathered will work to identify, reroute, delink, move away from/ SHIFT! mainstream assumptions of design/in design.
Aikajakso10 tammik. 202016 tammik. 2020
Mistä vieraileeUniversity of British Columbia (Kanada)
Vierailijan tutkintoMaster of Design