title = "Politics of development in the Barents Region",
keywords = "Ven{\"a}j{\"a}, Barentsin alue, Pohjois-Ven{\"a}j{\"a}, alueellinen yhteisty{\"o}, kansainv{\"a}linen yhteisty{\"o}, kest{\"a}v{\"a} kehitys, soft law, poliittinen taloustiede, sosiaalinen muutos, taloudellinen kehitys",
editor = "Monica Tennberg",
note = "This book is the main result of the Barents International Political Economy (BIPE) researcher network of Nordic and Russian partners.",
year = "2012",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-952-484-556-4",
publisher = "Lapland University Press",
address = "Finland",