Enhancing Empathy Through AI in Service Systems

Titta Jylkäs, Chongbei Song, Satu Miettinen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


AI can assist service designers in better predicting user needs and expectations to inform personalized experiences based on users' past behavioral data. When artificial intelligence (AI) is involved in service delivery, it has its role in an overall service blueprint. AI components like chatbots or recommendation systems can replace or augment specific human touchpoints in the service journey. This requires service designers to illustrate how AI impacts the service system.
To achieve a more empathetic service system, service providers must train AI systems to understand and respond appropriately to users' emotional states, using natural language processing and sentiment analysis. Systems thinking can help in understanding the complexities of service systems, their interdependencies, the models that are included in them and the role AI can take to enhance empathy.
Through our research, we bring in analysis from two service design project case studies and findings from a light literature review. We focus on identifying key findings on the role of AI in supporting the empathetic service design process and how AI-enabled design platforms can promote a human-centered approach in organizational systems.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSystemic Service Design
EditorsMari Suoheimo, Peter Jones, Sheng-Hung Lee, Birger Sevaldson
ISBN (Print)9781032817194, 9781032817200
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024
MoEC publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book

Publication series

SeriesDesign for Social Responsibility


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