Developing a Pedagogical Model for Immersive Virtual Reality Safety Training: A Discussion Script to Support Learning Transfer

Anu Lehikko, Mikko Nykänen, Heli Ruokamo

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review

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Standalone immersive virtual reality (IVR) learning scenarios are available for educational purposes. However, no pedagogical models exist to guide the implementation of single-user IVR scenarios in training. To address this research gap, we are developing a pedagogical model for IVR using design-based research (DBR). The study is being carried out in the context of occupational safety training. The pedagogical model combines simulation learning, safety learning, and IVR learning research. Sociocultural learning theory is applied to the model, which combines facilitated introduction and debriefing of group discussions with standalone IVR training scenarios. A discussion script has been created to aid introduction and debriefing facilitation as well as transferring learning to the work context. This study focuses on the implementation of trainer-facilitated group discussions during occupational safety training interventions in one work organization. The results suggest that focusing the discussion script to better support the trainer in placing the safety topic within a teamwork context would enhance training relevance, thus contributing to a higher training transfer. The pedagogical model and the discussion script will be of benefit not only to occupational safety professionals but also to everyone interested in pedagogically viable IVR learning and training. In addition to introducing an IVR pedagogy that utilizes the introduction and debriefing phases to support learning transfer, this study provides an example of participatory and practice-oriented DBR.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBridging the XR Technology-to-Practice-Gap
Subtitle of host publicationMethods and Strategies for Blending Extended Realities into Classroom Instruction
EditorsTodd Cherner, Alex Fegely
PublisherAssociation for the advancement of computing in education
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-939797-67-4
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2023
MoEC publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book


  • immersive virtual reality
  • safety training
  • pedagogical model
  • discussion script
  • learning transfer
  • virtual reality
  • VR pedagogy
  • VR research

Field of science

  • Media education


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