Adaptation of reindeer husbandry to unexpected and uncommon conditions

Project Details


Reindeer husbandry is operating under multiple pressures by climate change, globalization, pasture degradation, and other land use forms. These create new unexpected situations which can seriously affect the economic, ecological, and social sustainability of reindeer husbandry.

Our aim is to analyze how reindeer husbandry can prepare and adapt to these unexpected situations and conditions.

This project benefits from other previous and current research projects (i.e. CLIMINI, CHARTER, AROSS) and utilizes various methods (i.e. interviews, surveys, data-analysis, bioeconomic modelling…) to study how unexpected conditions affect reindeer husbandry and to find best adaptation measures.

The project provides valuable information and practical guidelines, which can be used by reindeer herders as well as government official and researcher to further advance the adaptive capacity of reindeer husbandry under various pressures.

Effective start/end date01.08.202130.06.2024


  • Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment: €83,943.00

Field of Science

  • Other agricultural sciences


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