Demilitarisation in an increasingly militarised world. International perspectives in a multilevel framework – the case of the Åland Islands

Project Details


How is the demilitarisation and neutralisation regime of the Åland Islands affected by the many, new and varying modes of military-civilian cooperation in the Baltic Sea?In order to answer this core research question the project researchers look at the following issues:- The effects of modern technology;- The fusion of civil and military aspects in international relations and activities;- Proliferating forms of military-civilian cooperation, often non-formalised and non-treaty based;- The Åland demilitarisation in comparison with e.g. the Svalbard treaty and the Antarctic treaty, but also other similar regimes.The project makes a contribution to knowledge not only through the empirical examination of a selected case study – the Åland Islands demilitarisation – but also at a broader theoretical and practical level on a wide range of contemporary challenges, in particular problems of the evolving understandings about drawing the line between what is military and what is civilian; the interaction between national and international regulatory frameworks in the field of national security and military cooperation; new forms of international cooperation beyond international treaties and organisations strictu senso; conditions for a possible usefulness, or not, of demilitarisation in other parts of the world, in particular in the Arctic region.

The research project is a co-operation between the Åland Islands Peace Institute (ÅIPI) and The University of Lapland and its Arctic Center in Rovaniemi, Docent Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark is the leader of the project.
Effective start/end date07.08.201531.12.2017


  • Koneen säätiö: €21,000.00


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