Projects per year
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Well-being for personnel through proactive management
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Heikkala, M. (Other), Pietiläinen, V. (Other), Riponiemi, N. (Other) & Ryynänen, S. (Other)
01.03.2021 → 31.03.2023
Project: Co-funded project
Pk-yritysten vertaistuella tulevaisuuteen
Rusko, R. (Principal Investigator), Pietiläinen, V. (Other) & Lindholm, K. M. (Other)
01.05.2020 → 30.04.2021
Project: Co-funded project
Fokus työhyvinvoinnin johtamiseen!
Rusko, R. (Other), Pietiläinen, V. (Principal Investigator) & Uusisalmi, R. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.03.2020 → 30.06.2023
Project: Co-funded project
Digiajan työhyvinvointi
Holopainen, P. (Principal Investigator), Vanhala, A. (Other), Aarrevaara, T. (Other), Kohtakangas, K. (Other) & Pietiläinen, V. (Other)
Mukana olevat kunnat, European Social Fund ESF
01.02.2019 → 31.12.2021
Project: Co-funded project
HALI: Wellness to Arctic Transportation
Pietiläinen, V. (Principal Investigator), Laitinen, M. (Other), Rusko, R. (Other) & Kangasniemi, E. (Other)
01.09.2018 → 30.04.2021
Project: Co-funded project
HALI: Wellness to Arctic Transportation
Pietiläinen, V. (Principal Investigator), Laitinen, M. (Other), Rusko, R. (Other) & Kangasniemi, E. (Other)
01.09.2018 → 30.04.2021
Project: Consultancy
The Time of the Customer
Markuksela, V. (Other), Rusko, R. (Principal Investigator), Pietiläinen, V. (Other) & Vuorilampi, O. (Other)
01.05.2017 → 31.10.2019
Project: Co-funded project
VALTE: Prepared for Working Life!
Kari-Björkbacka, I. (Principal Investigator), Kohtakangas, K. (Other) & Pietiläinen, V. (Other)
01.11.2015 → 31.10.2018
Project: Co-funded project
Montaasi-ohjauksen konseptointi
Pietiläinen, V. (Principal Investigator)
01.06.2015 → 30.11.2015
Project: Co-funded project
Tyyli: Bridging the gap between university studies and working life
Tompuri, H. (Principal Investigator), Rusko, R. (Other), Meriläinen, S. (Other), Peteri, S. (Other), Jänkälä, R. (Other), Kivivirta, V. (Other), Jääskeläinen, P. (Collaborative Investigator) & Pietiläinen, V. (Other)
01.04.2015 → 30.09.2018
Project: Co-funded project
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Inhimillisesti tehokas johtaminen
Syväjärvi, A. (Principal Investigator), Vakkala, H. (Collaborative Investigator), Pietiläinen, V. (Collaborative Investigator) & Koskiniemi, A. (Collaborative Investigator)
Sairaanhoitopiirit, Työsuojelurahasto
01.08.2013 → 31.08.2016
Project: Co-funded project