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GloMEd: Global Media Education through development of Online Teaching
Korte, S.-M. (Principal Investigator), Maasilta, M.-R. (Other) & Keskitalo, P. (Other)
Finnish National Agency for Education
01.08.2021 → 31.01.2024
Project: Co-funded project
eOPE – Supporting participation in remote learning in basic education and upper secondary education
Korte, S.-M. (Principal Investigator), Paksuniemi, M. (Principal Investigator), Lakkala, S. (Other), Väätäjä, J. (Other) & Keskitalo, P. (Other)
01.05.2021 → 30.09.2023
Project: Co-funded project
DistARCTIC: Distance Teaching and Learning in the Arctic Communities
Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator), Peltokorpi, J. (Collaborative Investigator), Ihamäki, S. (Other), Korte, S.-M. (Other) & Keskitalo, P. (Other)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
01.09.2020 → 31.12.2023
Project: Co-funded project
Paksuniemi, M. (Principal Investigator), Korte, S.-M. (Other), Hast, M. (Other), Keskitalo, P. (Other), Körkkö, M. (Other) & Mommo, S. (Other)
01.05.2020 → 31.12.2020
Project: Co-funded project
Arctic Pedagogy II, the Sámi Education Digital Network Project
Keskitalo, P. (Principal Investigator), Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator) & Korte, S.-M. (Other)
01.01.2019 → 31.10.2021
Project: Co-funded project
OpenDigi: Teachers' communities for improving learning and digipedagogical skills
Rasi-Heikkinen, P. M. (Principal Investigator), Korte, S.-M. (Collaborative Investigator) & Väätäjä, J. (Other)
Ministry of Education and Culture
01.09.2017 → 30.06.2020
Project: Co-funded project
Erasmus+ liikkuvuustuet 2017-2018
Korte, S.-M. (Other)
01.06.2017 → 31.03.2019
Project: Co-funded project
Erasmus+ liikkuvuustuet 2016-2017
Korte, S.-M. (Other)
01.06.2016 → 30.11.2017
Project: Co-funded project