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From basic education to upper secondary level - compulsory education and transitions
Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator), Norvapalo, K. (Other), Korva, S. (Other), Lakkala, S. (Other) & Kauppi, A. (Other)
01.02.2022 → 31.08.2023
Project: Co-funded project
ARKTORI: School Leadership in the Arctic
Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator), Korva, S. (Collaborative Investigator), Leinonen, J. (Collaborative Investigator), Nurmi, H. (Collaborative Investigator), Posio, E. (Other), Romakkaniemi, N. (Other), Norvapalo, K. (Other), Lantela, L. (Collaborative Investigator), Ahola, S. (Other) & Suoheimo, M. (Collaborative Investigator)
Ministry of Education and Culture
01.10.2018 → 28.02.2022
Project: Co-funded project
Arktinen opettajankoulutus tasavertaisuuden ja kulttuurisen moninaisuuden tukijana
Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator), Korva, S. (Collaborative Investigator) & Peltokorpi, J. (Other)
Ministry of Education and Culture
01.09.2017 → 30.06.2019
Project: Co-funded project
Playful Lapland
Ruokamo, H. (Principal Investigator), Kangas, M. (Collaborative Investigator), Korva, S. (Collaborative Investigator), Ahvenjärvi, E. (Other), Keinänen, A. (Other) & Tuokkola, T. (Other)
01.08.2017 → 31.12.2018
Project: Co-funded project
ApedEDU: Arctic Pedagogy in Teacher Education
Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator), Korva, S. (Principal Investigator) & Peltokorpi, J. (Principal Investigator)
01.06.2017 → 31.12.2020
Project: Co-funded project
DigiGO!: Digitalization in Teaching and Learning
Turunen, T. (Principal Investigator), Körkkö, M. (Collaborative Investigator), Rasi-Heikkinen, P. M. (Other), Kangas, M. (Other), Korva, S. (Other), Väätäjä, J. (Other) & Kari, S. (Other)
01.01.2017 → 30.06.2019
Project: Co-funded project
Pedagogical design for IPR e-learning environment
Ruokamo, H. (Principal Investigator), Turunen, T. (Other), Kangas, M. (Other) & Korva, S. (Other)
19.02.2016 → 31.12.2016
Project: Consultancy
CRICS: Critical communication, safety and human-centered services of the future
Ruokamo, H. (Principal Investigator), Miettinen, S. (Principal Investigator), Keskitalo, E. (Collaborative Investigator), Alhonsuo, M. (Collaborative Investigator), Vuojärvi, H. (Collaborative Investigator), Poikela, P. (Collaborative Investigator), Korva, S. (Collaborative Investigator) & Marttila, H. (Collaborative Investigator)
TEKES, Rovaniemi city, Useita kotimaisia yrityksiä
01.01.2016 → 31.01.2018
Project: Co-funded project