Projects per year
Personal profile
Teaching interests
I am particularly interested in teaching (academic) writing from the perspective of writing as a social practice. Other teaching interests: communication skills, critical reading and contemporary literature.
I believe that language and communication studies offer students the possibility to develop transversal skills, such as interpersonal skills, intercultural competence, strategies for continuous learning, critical thinking and creativity – all of which students need in a complex world of continuous change.
Field of science
- Languages
- 2 Finished
Jakkula, V. (Principal Investigator), Eriksson, P. (Other) & Vuonokari-Kämäräinen, S. (Other)
01.08.2017 → 30.06.2019
Project: Other
HalLa: Growing high-level intellectual capital in Lapland
Valtonen, A. (Principal Investigator), Uotila, M. (Other), Syväjärvi, A. (Other), Falin, P. (Other), Valkonen, J. (Other), Joona, T. (Other), Jakkula, A. (Other), Eriksson, P. (Other), Rantala, O. (Other), Lempiäinen, K. (Other), Aarrevaara, T. (Other), Hovila, I. (Other), Miettinen, S. (Other), Autto, J. (Other) & Rantala, P. (Other)
01.07.2015 → 31.01.2018
Project: Co-funded project
Asiantuntijuutta rakentamassa : Lapin yliopiston kielikeskus 40 vuotta: University of Lapland Language Centre 40 years of shaping academic expertise
Eriksson, P. (Editor), Kauppi, T. (Editor) & Uljas-Rautio, K. (Editor), 2023, Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto. 127 p.Translated title of the contribution :University of Lapland Language Centre 40 years of shaping academic expertise Research output: Book/Report › Anthology › Scientific
Open Access -
Mentoring encounters and corporeal ethics
Lantela, P. & Eriksson, P., Jul 2022.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › Scientific
- 4 Conference presentation
Mentoring encounters, affect and care
Eriksson, P. (Speaker)
6 Jul 2023Activity: Presentation › Conference presentation
Tilat, rajat ja toimijuus oppiainerajat ylittävässä yhteistyössä
Kreus, E. (Speaker), Uljas-Rautio, K. (Speaker) & Eriksson, P. (Speaker)
18 May 2022Activity: Presentation › Conference presentation
Kohti työelämäorientoitunutta vuorovaikutusosaamista – Developing communication competence as part of working-life skills
Eriksson, P. (Speaker), Paatero, M. (Speaker) & Vuonokari-Kämäräinen, S. (Speaker)
6 Jun 2019Activity: Presentation › Conference presentation
Utilizing Creative Writing Techniques on an English Writing Course for Doctoral Students
Eriksson, P. (Speaker)
6 Sept 2018Activity: Presentation › Conference presentation