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Effective employment support measures in a sudden structural change
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Aarrevaara, T. (Principal Investigator), Koski, A. (Other), Aarrevaara, T. (Collaborative Investigator), Tulppo, P. (Collaborative Investigator) & Karvo, M. (Other)
North Ostrobotnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
01.10.2022 → 31.12.2023
Project: Co-funded project
JOUSTE - Research on the follow-up and effectiveness of new rapid learning actions in continuous learning
Aarrevaara, T. (Principal Investigator), Purtilo-Nieminen, S. (Principal Investigator) & Tulppo, P. (Other)
01.06.2020 → 31.12.2022
Project: Co-funded project
ILPO: Regional economic impacts of exploration and it's utilization in Eastern Lapland
Aarrevaara, T. (Principal Investigator), Tulppo, P. (Collaborative Investigator) & Kangas, R. (Collaborative Investigator)
European Regional Development Fund
01.09.2019 → 30.11.2021
Project: Co-funded project
Working life cooperation in strategic doctoral training
Rätti, O. (Principal Investigator), Falin, P. (Principal Investigator), Falin, P. (Other), Joensuu, K. (Other), Peteri, S. (Other), Syväjärvi, A. (Principal Investigator), Tulppo, P. (Other) & Jakkula, A. (Other)
01.09.2019 → 31.07.2022
Project: Co-funded project
CAC: 10th Circumpolar Agriculture Conference: New thinking about local agriculture in the circumpolar Arctic (CAC)
Soppela, P. (Principal Investigator) & Tulppo, P. (Other)
Useita kotimaisia yrityksiä, Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, University of Lapland, Tieteellisen seuran valtuuskunta, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
15.03.2018 → 31.05.2019
Project: Co-funded project