6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Leena Suopajärvi with the persons below:
Juulia Tikkanen
Person: Doctoral Researcher, PhD Candidate
Monica Tennberg
- Arctic Politics and Development
- Study Services - Part-time Teacher
- Critical Arctic Studies research team
- Sustainable Naturecultures and Multispecies Future (SuMu)
- UArctic Thematic Network on Critical Arctic Studies
- Arctic Centre - Research Professor
Person: Leading researcher
Ilari Hovila
- Faculty of Law - University Lecturer
- Law, Markets and the Environment
Person: Established researcher
Pamela Lesser
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Heli Alaräisänen
- Education and Development Services - Development Specialist
Person: Education and communication