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Parempaa palvelua - innovointia ja muuto
Vanhala, A. (Other), Jokinen, L. (Other), Rautio, K. (Other) & Arminen, K. (Other)
European Social Fund ESF, North Ostrobotnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
01.05.2022 → 31.12.2023
Project: Co-funded project
Guiding youths into the future
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Rautio, K. (Other), Purtilo-Nieminen, S. (Other) & Hyvärinen, S. (Other)
01.01.2021 → 31.08.2023
Project: Co-funded project
Northern Leadership Forum
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Rautio, K. (Other) & Naakka, M. (Other)
01.08.2020 → 31.05.2023
Project: Co-funded project
VAHTO: Developing Strength-Based Future Oriented Guidance
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Kari, S. (Other), Uusiautti, S. (Other), Hyvärinen, S. (Other), Naakka, M. (Other), Rautio, K. (Other) & Riponiemi, N. (Other)
01.08.2019 → 31.12.2021
Project: Co-funded project
KIPINÄ: Kipinä (“Spark”) – Strengths and Skills Facilitate Finding Employment
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Hakkarainen, M. (Other), Huilaja, H. (Other), Rautio, K. (Principal Investigator), Jokinen, L. (Other) & Kari, S. (Other)
01.05.2019 → 30.04.2022
Project: Co-funded project
Työvoimapoliittinen uravalmennus korkeak
Kilpimaa, P. (Principal Investigator) & Rautio, K. (Other)
01.03.2019 → 30.06.2019
Project: Consultancy
Anticipation and Continuous Learning: Future Needs for Expertise in Lapland -project
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Rautio, K. (Other) & Kuisma, L. (Other)
01.01.2019 → 30.06.2021
Project: Co-funded project
Työntekijäksi matkailualalle - valmennus
Vanhala, A. (Other) & Rautio, K. (Other)
01.06.2018 → 31.12.2018
Project: Consultancy
OVET: Osallistamisella hyvinvointia ja tuottavuutta työelämään
Koski, A. (Collaborative Investigator), Romakkaniemi, N. (Other), Rautio, K. (Other) & Kilpimaa, P. (Other)
01.02.2017 → 31.08.2019
Project: Co-funded project
Lappilainen koulutuskumppanuus -hanke
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Vanhala, A. (Other) & Rautio, K. (Other)
01.05.2016 → 31.12.2018
Project: Co-funded project
Tiimikoulutus toimistopalveluiden henkilöstölle
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Romakkaniemi, N. (Other), Rautio, K. (Other) & Piittisjärvi, M.-L. (Other)
01.04.2016 → 31.12.2016
Project: Consultancy
RAITO - Osuvaa urasuunnittelua korkeakou
Rautio, K. (Other)
01.01.2016 → 30.06.2019
Project: Co-funded project