6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Aini Linjakumpu with the persons below:
Tapio Nykänen
- Faculty of Social Sciences - Visiting Researcher, University Lecturer
- Welfare, Work and Citizenship
- Global Northern Communities and Societies
Person: Established researcher
Janne Autto
- Faculty of Social Sciences - Associate professor
- Welfare, Work and Citizenship
Person: Established researcher
Sandra Wallenius-Korkalo
- Sustainable Naturecultures and Multispecies Future (SuMu)
- Gender Research
- Faculty of Social Sciences - University Lecturer
Person: Post doc researcher
Leena Suopajärvi
- Faculty of Social Sciences - University Lecturer
- Global Northern Communities and Societies
Person: Established researcher