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Suopajärvi, L. (Principal Investigator), Suopajärvi, L. (Other) & Tulilehto, M. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.08.2022 → 31.07.2025
Project: Co-funded project
A Planetary Approach to Global Arctic politics
Kopra, S. (Principal Investigator), Payva Almonte, M. (Collaborative Investigator) & Väätänen, V. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.08.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Personal project
INCLUSION: Indigenous Cultures in Evolution: Governing Rights and Responsibilities through Sustainable Law and Ethics
Ballardini, R. (Principal Investigator), Hossain, K. (Collaborative Investigator), Reyes Tagle, Y. (Collaborative Investigator), Cambou, D. (Collaborative Investigator), Virtanen, P. (Collaborative Investigator), Tuominen, I. H. (Other), Girardi, D. (Other), Huttunen, M. T. (Other) & Urueña, R. (Other)
Finnish National Agency for Education
01.08.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Circular bio-economy
Stammler-Gossmann, A. (Principal Investigator) & Raheem, B. (Collaborative Investigator)
Finnish National Agency for Education
01.08.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
KATA: Facing humanitarian catastrophes, mobilising adaptive governance and developing working methods in the disaster social work
Hautala, S. (Principal Investigator), Mikkonen, E. (Collaborative Investigator) & Leppiaho, T. (Other)
01.07.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Uudet lukutaidot ja KEdi 1
Onnela, A. (Other) & Illikainen, S. (Other)
Ministry of Education and Culture
21.06.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Sukupuolen merkitys suomalaisessa herätysliikkeessä
Lantela, P. (Principal Investigator)
01.06.2022 → 01.06.2025
Project: Personal project
Onnela, A. (Principal Investigator) & Illikainen, S. (Other)
Finnish National Agency for Education
24.05.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Climate responsibility as a normative cornerstone of multilateral cooperation?
Kopra, S. (Principal Investigator), Hurri, K. (Collaborative Investigator), Kauppila, L. (Collaborative Investigator) & Santaoja, M. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.05.2022 → 30.04.2025
Project: Co-funded project
HIPE: Human-technology Interaction Platform for artificial Emotional Intelligence
Ballardini, R. (Principal Investigator), van den Hoven van Genderen, R. (Collaborative Investigator), Näsi, A. (Other), Pitkänen, O. (Other) & Schutte, B. (Other)
01.05.2022 → 30.04.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Mielenterveystyön johtaminen 30 op 2022-2024
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Kuusela, K. (Other) & Posio, E. (Other)
01.01.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Consultancy
Interactions of natural and social syste
Stammler, F. (Principal Investigator)
01.01.2022 → 31.12.2026
Project: Co-funded project
Sukupuolittunut rakenteellinen eriarvoisuus saamelaisissa poronhoitoyhteisöissä
Harkoma, A. (Principal Investigator)
01.01.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Education for Plant Literacy
Ratinen, I. (Principal Investigator) & Kemi, U. (Other)
01.01.2022 → 01.01.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Artivismin ääret - Taide, aktivismi ja sukupuolittunut väkivalta
Mäkiranta, M. (Principal Investigator), Tolonen, J. (Collaborative Investigator) & Ruotsalainen, S. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.01.2022 → 31.12.2026
Project: Personal project
EITC 2025: European Indigenous Tourism Conference
Luthje, M. (Principal Investigator)
Ministry of Education and Culture
01.10.2021 → 31.08.2025
Project: Co-funded project
WIRE: Fluid Realities of the Wild
Stammler, F. (Principal Investigator), Mazzullo, N. (Collaborative Investigator), Allemann, L. (Collaborative Investigator), Ivanova, A. (Collaborative Investigator) & Komu, T. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.09.2021 → 31.08.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Comp_Eff_PP: Enhancing competition and efficiency in public procurements
Halonen, K.-M. (Principal Investigator) & Heikkinen, P. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.09.2021 → 31.08.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Arctic PASSION: Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs
Koivurova, T. (Principal Investigator), Stepien, A. (Collaborative Investigator), Tkach, P. (Collaborative Investigator) & Tulppo, P. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.07.2021 → 30.06.2025
Project: Co-funded project
LOCUS: The contested nature of Allemannsretten: Renegotiating local customs and small-scale farming in periphery landscapes
Rantala, O. (Principal Investigator) & Nousiainen, M. (Collaborative Investigator)
The Research Council of Norway
01.06.2021 → 30.05.2025
Project: Co-funded project
LUMA-keskus Suomi-verkoston valtakunnall
Partanen, A.-M. (Principal Investigator), Tolvanen, P. (Other), Muotka, P. (Collaborative Investigator) & Sarivaara, E. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.01.2021 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Taidetta hoitolaitoksiin
Hautala-Hirvioja, T. (Principal Investigator) & Lipiäinen, L. (Other)
01.01.2021 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
CHYGS: Children's and young people's sorrow and grief in family and close relationships
Pirskanen, H. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.01.2021 → 28.02.2026
Project: Co-funded project
CHARTER: Drivers and Feedbacks of Changes in Arctic Terrestrial Bioversity
Forbes, B. C. (Principal Investigator), Landauer, M. (Collaborative Investigator), Rasmus, S. (Collaborative Investigator), Laptander, R. (Collaborative Investigator), Burgess, P. (Other), Leppänen, L. (Collaborative Investigator), Komu, T. (Collaborative Investigator) & Sarkki, S. (Collaborative Investigator)
01.08.2020 → 31.01.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Väitöskirjaprojekti : Potilaalle parempi pääsy oikeuksiinsa ja parempi viranomaispalvelu oikeusmuotoilun avulla
Kovalainen, J. (Principal Investigator)
Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse
01.08.2020 → …
Project: Personal project
DANSK 2020
Snellman, O. (Principal Investigator), Pulkkanen, P. (Principal Investigator), Palviainen, H. (Principal Investigator) & Nikolaeva, N. (Other)
01.01.2020 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Väitöskirjatutkimus: Suomalainen kolonialismi Saamenmaalla
Ranta, K. (Principal Investigator)
01.01.2020 → 31.12.2025
Project: Personal project
AROSS: Rain on Snow and Extreme precipitation
Forbes, B. C. (Principal Investigator), Laptander, R. (Collaborative Investigator) & Rasmus, S. (Collaborative Investigator)
15.09.2019 → 31.08.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Väitöskirjatutkimus: Lapsen taloudellisen edunvalvonnan erityispiirteet
Tuulari, S. (Principal Investigator)
01.01.2019 → …
Project: Personal project
Siidakoulu - saamelaisen siidajärjestelmän toimintamuotojen yhteisölähtöinen uudentaminen
Kuokkanen, R. (Principal Investigator)
01.01.2019 → 31.12.2025
Project: Co-funded project
Recognition of access to and enjoyment of cultural heritage as a collective cultural right of indigenous peoples in the framework of international law. A case study on the rights of the reindeer herding Izhma Komi people.
Sikora, K. (Principal Investigator)
Finnish National Agency for Education, Oskar Öflund Foundation, Koneen säätiö, Nordenskiöld-samfundet , Société Finno-Ougrienne, Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation
01.08.2018 → 20.12.2024
Project: Personal project
ProSoc: The Professions in Arctic Societies
Aarrevaara, T. (Principal Investigator), Josefsen, A. (Collaborative Investigator), Vasari, P. (Collaborative Investigator), Pietiläinen, V. (Collaborative Investigator), Ryynänen, S. (Collaborative Investigator), Tenhunen, V. (Other), Tulppo, P. (Collaborative Investigator) & Dobson, I. R. (Collaborative Investigator)
04.09.2017 → …
Project: Other
The Cumulative Social Impacts of Pre-Development Mining projects
Wallen, H. (Principal Investigator)
Ella ja Georg Ehrnrootin säätiö, Osuuspankin tutkimussäätiö, Kyösti Kallion rahasto
01.08.2017 → …
Project: Personal project
LUMA-Centre Lapland
Partanen, A.-M. (Principal Investigator), Tolvanen, P. (Other) & Katajamäki, J. (Other)
University of Helsinki, Suomen kulttuurirahasto
01.12.2014 → 31.12.2025
Project: Consultancy
EU:n rajayhteistyö aluekehittämisen välineenä Suomen ja Ruotsin välisellä pohjoisella rajaseudulla
Tulppo, P. (Principal Investigator)
Pohjoismaiden hallinnollinen liitto: Suomen osasto ry
01.01.2014 → …
Project: Personal project
Sámi Shamanism, Cosmology and Art, as Systems of Embodied Knowledge
Joy, F. (Principal Investigator)
09.11.2010 → …
Project: Personal project
Heikkilä, M. (Principal Investigator)
Finnish Meteorological Institute
01.05.2005 → 31.12.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Not started
EDUFI Fellowship / Dzhuliiana Semenova
Huhmarniemi, M. (Other)
Finnish National Agency for Education
01.02.2024 → 31.08.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Wellbeing CoDe
Koski, A. (Principal Investigator), Heikkala, M. (Other), Jaskari, A. (Other) & Panu, J. (Other)
KUNNAT, European Regional Development Fund
01.12.2023 → 31.05.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Frozen- Towards active conservation ...
Moore, J. (Principal Investigator), Mettiäinen, I. (Collaborative Investigator), Pulkkanen, P. (Other) & Palviainen, H. (Other)
01.11.2023 → 01.07.2024
Project: Co-funded project
A socioculturally informed training model for immersive virtual reality safety training
Lehikko, A. (Principal Investigator)
17.10.2023 → 16.04.2024
Project: Personal project
UM-UArctic 2023
Snellman, O. (Principal Investigator)
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
04.09.2023 → 15.05.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Climate change impacts on Arctic ecosystems and associated climate feedbacks
Rasmus, S. (Principal Investigator), Wallen, H. (Collaborative Investigator) & Leppänen, L. (Collaborative Investigator)
30.08.2023 → 31.12.2023
Project: Consultancy
Sitra Lab - opiskelijaprojekti
Warma-Lehtinen, E. (Principal Investigator)
Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto SITRA
28.08.2023 → 31.03.2024
Project: Co-funded project
The Finnish Forest Bioeconomy Science Panel
Suopajärvi, L. (Principal Investigator) & Pettersson, S. (Other)
01.08.2023 → 31.03.2024
Project: Co-funded project
ReiGn projects publication of results
Rasmus, S. (Principal Investigator) & Landauer, M. (Collaborative Investigator)
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, SLU, Umeå
01.08.2023 → 31.12.2023
Project: Co-funded project
Inspiring Visitor Engagement with Rural Cultural Heritage Tourism
Luthje, M. (Principal Investigator)
01.07.2023 → 31.03.2024
Project: Co-funded project
Puiden ja puistojen historiaa ja nykypäivää Rovaniemellä sisältävän yhteisötaideteoksen toteuttaminen
Mäkiranta, M. (Principal Investigator)
01.06.2023 → 15.10.2023
Project: Personal project