Activities per year
- 750 - 800 out of 928 results
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Arctic yearbook (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
10 Aug 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Ocean yearbook (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
19 Jun 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Arctic yearbook (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
18 Jun 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Pietiläinen, V. (Peer reviewer)
17 Jun 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Laws (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
5 Jun 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Pax forlag (Publisher)
Nysten-Haarala, S. (Peer reviewer)
15 May 2015 → 30 May 2016Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
7 May 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Nordic Environmental Law Journal (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
16 Apr 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Nordic Environmental Law Journal (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
16 Apr 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Interface : a journal for and about social movements (Journal)
Seppälä, T. (Peer reviewer)
Apr 2015 → May 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Interface : a journal for and about social movements (Journal)
Seppälä, T. (Peer reviewer)
Apr 2015 → May 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
OIKEUS (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
13 Mar 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
The yearbook of polar law (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
12 Mar 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
The yearbook of polar law (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
12 Mar 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
García-Rosell, J.-C. (Peer reviewer)
10 Mar 2015 → 15 Jun 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
The yearbook of polar law (Journal)
Stepien, A. (Peer reviewer)
Mar 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Tourism Management (Journal)
García-Rosell, J.-C. (Peer reviewer)
20 Jan 2015 → 5 Oct 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Sukupuolentutkimus (Journal)
Merenheimo, P. (Peer reviewer)
1 Jan 2015 → 1 Dec 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Journal of Finnish Studies (Journal)
Koikkalainen, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Laitinen, M. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
She Ji : The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation (Journal)
Miettinen, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → 2018Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Education and Training (Journal)
Hietanen, L. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Media ja viestintä (Journal)
Rasi, P. M. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
European Scientific Journal (Journal)
Äärelä, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → 2016Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Arctic yearbook (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Journal of Management Education (Journal)
Hietanen, L. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
International journal of adolescence and youth (Journal)
Äärelä, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care (Journal)
Paksuniemi, M. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Higher Education Studies (Journal)
Turunen, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Turunen, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Kasvatus : Suomen kasvatustieteellinen aikakauskirja (Journal)
Turunen, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
International Journal of Early Childhood (Journal)
Turunen, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Unipress (Publisher)
Laitinen, M. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Environment, Development and Sustainability (Journal)
Raheem, B. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (Journal)
Turunen, T. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
International journal of innovation in the digital economy (Journal)
Merenheimo, P. (Guest editor)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Göttingen Journal of International Law (Journal)
Kirchner, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Baltic journal of law and politics (Journal)
Kirchner, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Jurisprudencija (Journal)
Kirchner, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → 2016Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Koikkalainen, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Simulation and Gaming (Journal)
Miettinen, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Vastapaino (Publisher)
Laitinen, M. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Journal of Research Practise (Journal)
Miettinen, S. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Information Society (Journal)
Rasi, P. M. (Peer reviewer)
2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Gerontologia (Journal)
Rasi-Heikkinen, P. M. (Peer reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Review of European, comparative & international environmental law (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
19 Dec 2014Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Arctic (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
25 Nov 2014Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Tourism Management (Journal)
García-Rosell, J.-C. (Peer reviewer)
21 Nov 2014 → 27 Apr 2015Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Frontiers in Marine Science (Journal)
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
10 Nov 2014Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal
Koivurova, T. (Peer reviewer)
7 Nov 2014Activity: Editorial and other work related to publications › Reviewer of scientific journal