- 25 results
Search results
Lukas Allemann
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Arctic Anthropology
- Arctic Centre - Senior Researcher
Person: Post doc researcher
Marco Ghisetti
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Discipline-specific doctoral programme
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Kamrul Hossain
- Arctic Centre - Research Professor
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Person: Leading researcher
Aytalina Ivanova
- Arctic Centre - Senior Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Arctic Anthropology
Person: Post doc researcher
Francis Joy
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Arctic Anthropology
Person: Post doc researcher
Juho Kähkönen
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Faculty of Law
- Doctoral Programme: the Arctic in a Changing World - Researcher
- Law, Markets and the Environment
- Faculty of Social Sciences
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Doctoral Researcher, PhD Candidate
Timo Koivurova
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Arctic Centre - Research Professor
Person: Leading researcher
Nuccio Mazzullo
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Arctic Anthropology
- Arctic Centre - Senior Researcher
Person: Post doc researcher
Iida Melamies
Person: PhD Candidate
Susanna Pääkkölä
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Marlene Payva Almonte
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Krittika Singh
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Doctoral Programme: the Arctic in a Changing World - Researcher
Person: PhD Candidate
Anna Stammler-Gossmann
- Arctic Centre - University Researcher
- Arctic Anthropology
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Person: Post doc researcher
Adam Stepien
- Arctic Centre - Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Discipline-specific doctoral programme
- Faculty of Social Sciences
Person: Doctoral Researcher, PhD Candidate
Pavel Tkach
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
- Arctic Centre - Junior Researcher
Person: PhD Candidate
Daniela Tommasini
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Xinyuan Zhang
- Arctic Centre - Visiting Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Doctoral Programme: the Arctic in a Changing World
- Arctic Societies: past, present and futures
Person: Doctoral Researcher